You Deserve Support.

It's imperative to have a support system. You will have a higher level of well-being, better coping skills, and a healthier life. It can also help reduce stress.


“I’m Annamarie, a parent to an 8 ½-year-old with right-side hemi cerebral palsy (CP). Our journey from an emergency c-section to navigating our son Jack’s stroke at birth has taught us resilience and determination. Managing his epileptic spasms and therapy for his thriving development has been a significant part of our lives.

Understanding the unique blend of benefits and challenges that come with parenting a child with a disability, I’ve found a pocket of comfort in the Inclusive Sol support group. In this community, judgment takes a backseat, allowing us to embrace the ordinary aspects of parenting without scrutiny. Despite the diverse abilities and ages of our children, we share a universal understanding born from our collective experiences.

My background as a child development specialist hasn’t shielded me from feeling guarded in professional settings. However, within this group, I’ve discovered a genuine space where personal connections flourish, enriched by the invaluable experiences of fellow parents raising children with CP. This depth of connection and personal investment sets it apart from conventional online forums like Facebook groups.

The peer-to-peer connections here offer both acceptance and emotional support, creating a unique blend of social interaction, advocacy, and expanded awareness. While it may be challenging to open up and be vulnerable, the lasting benefits far outweigh the initial discomfort. Consider joining Inclusive Sol for a space where understanding, support, and growth converge.”

~Annamarie Dopheide

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  • United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) and Regional Center (CA based families) – inquire if affiliates and your specific center offer a support group